Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Our REAL mailing address

We've changed our address yet again. Not that we don't trust the SA Postal Services, but we don't. Also, when they installed the wall surrounding our property, they put the mailbox INSIDE the 10' concrete wall topped with electric fence, so it seems unfair to expect letters to be delivered.

We've instead contracted with our local "Private Bag" (PO Box) supplier. These guys go down to the main post office, pick up our mail for us, and put it in a secure box. They also handle DHL packages (the recommended international courier) for those of you who might want to send parcels.

Here's our new address:

Jonah Choiniere and/or Kelsey Glennon
Private Bag X9, Suite #217
Melville, Johannesburg

1 comment:

  1. Can one send a parcel of mixed nuts to your private bag or do those get intercepted at customs?
